Cometic Complete Primary Cover Gasket Seal O-Ring Kit Harley 80-93 Touring FXR (For: Harley-Davidson)

Cometic Complete Primary Cover Gasket Seal O-Ring Kit Harley 80-93 Touring FXR (For: Harley-Davidson)

SKU: DP.07230 34901-85A Category: Tags: ,

PART # C9889
Cometic Complete Primary Gasket, Seal and O-Ring Set
Fits Harley 1980-1993 FLT / FLHT/ FXR
Cometic’s proprietary AFM (Aluminum Foamette Material) gaskets feature an aluminum core with a chemically blown, compounded nitrile synthetic rubber bonded to the outside
Gaskets have resistance to temperatures of more than 2500??F
Have an 85% shape-recovering while maintaining strong torque retention – ideal gasket material for

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